Current projects

Pollchatter is a window into the way Twitter is being used in the 2018 U.S. elections. It tracks posts in every competitive U.S. House and Senate district, allowing visitors to spot content trends in single districts and across the country, while identifying bots and other frequent posters. We hope this makes it easier to spot and trace the inevitable manipulations and propaganda campaigns.

See the latest election trends from Twitter.

About us

Anti-market research

Fighting data with data.

Mayfly Research is a loose collection of individuals interested in promoting transparency and accountability in politics, technology, and business.

We are programmers and writers, choosing projects based on interest and need. Our common link: the observation that we live in a big-data society losing sight of the values of informational democracy. We want to play a small part in helping push back against this trend.

If you have ideas for future projects, or want to participate, get in touch.

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